Everyone knows what Facebook is and everyone knows there are billions of users on Facebook, but NOT everyone knows how to properly utilize Facebook for their business.

You have probably seen posts like these on Facebook.

This method of marketing is good enough for average marketers because it is free and it saves them time, but is it really effective?

​I call this type of marketing, "Tsambahan Marketing." Why? Because you are basing your marketing on pure luck hoping that someone out there on Facebook will buy from you after seeing your post.  

This type of "Tsamabahan Marketing" does not take into consideration the target audience. It is like selling Feminine wash to males or selling hamburgers to vegetarians. You really have no idea if your audience is really interested in what you are selling.  If you repeatedly post things on Facebook that are not interesting to people, your posts are considered as spam and Facebook don't like people spamming their newsfeed. It gives people a negative experience on Facebook and people eventually will not open their Facebook anymore.

People go on Facebook because they want to connect with other people. They want to build relationships, communicate and interact with each other.  If they see posts like these that do not suit their interest, they will either unfollow you, report your posts as spam, or worse, block you from Facebook.

So how do you effectively utilize Facebook for your business?

The first step is to create a Facebook page for your business.  You can create a list of followers who are "interested" in your products.  In essence, your Facebook page is targetted to those people who are most likely to buy your products. I call this type of marketing "Sniper Marketing" because it is highly targetted.  

You can actually show your posts on highly selected individuals.  Let's say you are selling beauty products like I do, I can tell Facebook to show my posts only to females.  It is highly unlikely that males are going to be interested in buying beauty products.  Next, I want to tell Facebook to show my ads to people who have the capacity to buy my product.  These are people who are usually in the age (25-40 years old) and are employed.  Then, I can tell Facebook to show my ads to people who are interested in skin whitening.  This is a highly targetted audience.  What do you think are the chances of these people buying my product? 

It is better if I show you an example.  Here's one of my posts in my Facebook Page. I have reached 32,293 people, had 470 likes, 11 shares and 32 comments in a matter of 3 weeks of advertising on Facebook.  And I only had 1 negative feedback where 1 person chose to hide my post from their newsfeed. (See Photo Below)

Within those 3 weeks of advertising on Facebook, I received over 30 messages from eager customers.

Here's the exact screenshot of my Facebook campaign.  As you can see, I spent a total of P1,424.73 pesos at 0.37 per post engagement.  I only spent 37 centavos for every interested person who clicked, liked, shared, and commented on my ad.  You can also see that I have over 2,676 clicks.  

What do these numbers mean?

It means that out of the 2,676 people who clicked on my ad, even if 1% of them purchased my product (CC CUshion at 1,640 pesos each with a 410 peso profit per product sold)

2,676 x 1% = 26 people purchased

26 people x P410 profit per product sold = P10,660 sales profit

I spent: P1,424.73 for may FB Campaign

Now let's compute how much money we made:

  P10,660 (sales profit)

- P1,424.73 pesos (FB Ad Cost)

= P9,235.27 Net Profit

Even I took some money (P1,424.73) out of my pocket to pay Facebook for my ads, I actually made more money (P9,235.27)!

Now if you were doing this on your personal Facebook account like the average marketers are doing, you are not going to get over 32,000 people looking at your post.  You are limited only to the people who are in your Facebook friends list or friends of your friends. 

You are also not going to get any form of statistics on your posts. You don't know how many people are clicking on your ad, you don't know how many people are interested in your product, you also do not know what part of your ad you have to change in order to get the best results!

If you would like to learn how to market your products on Facebook, whether you're in network marketing, affiliate marketing or Digital Publishing Business, please leave a comment below this post.

About the Author

Lloyd Labso is the founder of Digital Start-Up Toolkit. He is a general physician by profession. He is an author, blogger, internet and network marketer. He has built several online websites for other entrepreneurs that have gone to generate massive income.

  • Paano gagawin sa facebook na makasales sa akong networking na producto .Pwede po ba kayo mag coach magkano po ba ang amount sa coaching po

  • Anong gagawin sa facebook para makasales? Pwede po ba kayo mag coach? Paano at magkano po ang amount sa coaching nyo po? Thank you po.

  • Do you have any detailed blog post on how to use Facebook ads? I’m getting confused since I tried it once but iba iba yung lumalabas na price kahit di naman yun yung na setup ko. haha thanks!

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